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Ignite Innovation: Educator PD Program


One of my fundamental belief's is if you see it you can be it, however with the fast pace of change and evolution are our students seeing the potential of lucrative and rewarding careers in emerging technologies and how a digital career is every career with all industries increasingly being powered by technology.

As educators, it is our responsibility to equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an increasingly digital world. In this blog post, we will explore practical teaching strategies and theories that bring digital technologies, including AI, into the classroom. We will discuss the value and outcomes of these approaches, and emphasize the pivotal role teachers play in encouraging students to pursue emerging digital career paths, including those related to AI.

By incorporating digital technologies, including AI, into the classroom and fostering an environment of innovation, we can prepare students for the future and equip them with the skills needed in an AI-driven world. Through practical strategies like embracing AI-powered tools, integrating AI into project-based learning, encouraging AI exploration, and discussing ethical considerations, we can ignite students' curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities. As educators, let's embrace the digital revolution and leverage the power of AI to unlock our students' potential, empowering them to become the innovators, leaders, and ethical thinkers of tomorrow.

Embrace the Power of Digital Tools:

Incorporating digital tools in the classroom not only enhances engagement but also fosters creativity and critical thinking. By embracing AI-powered tools and platforms, we can create a dynamic learning environment that stimulates innovation. Here are some examples of classroom activities:


Examples of Classroom activities

  • Use tools like Canva or Piktochart to allow students to create visually appealing infographics or presentations to demonstrate their understanding of a topic.
  • Utilise AI-based language learning applications that provide personalised feedback and adapt content to individual students' proficiency levels.
  • Integrate data visualisation tools to help students analyse and interpret complex information.
  • Explore virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) applications to immerse students in interactive and engaging learning experience

Project-Based Learning:

 Project-based learning (PBL) immerses students in real-world challenges, encouraging them to apply their knowledge and develop problem-solving skills. Integrate digital technologies into PBL by having students use software, coding, or multimedia tools and AI to design and present their projects. This approach not only enhances their digital literacy but also cultivates creativity and perseverance.

Integrate AI into project-based learning to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Encourage students to tackle real-world challenges using AI tools and techniques. For instance, ask them to design AI-powered solutions to address environmental issues, optimise processes, or improve accessibility. This approach fosters creativity, collaboration, and deepens their understanding of AI's potential impact.

Examples of Classroom activities

  • Challenge students to develop a smart city plan, incorporating AI technologies to enhance transportation systems, energy efficiency, or public safety.
  • Challenge students to design and build a functional website that addresses a local community issue, promoting collaboration, research, and technological skills.

  • Encourage students to create a machine learning model that analyses sentiment in social media posts to understand public opinion on current events or social issues.
  • Ask students to develop an AI-driven recommendation system for a specific context, such as suggesting personalised reading recommendations or recommending healthy lifestyle choices based on individual preferences.

Encourage Entrepreneurial Mindset:

Nurture an entrepreneurial mindset among students by introducing concepts such as design thinking and innovation. Encourage them to identify problems, think critically, and propose innovative solutions using digital tools. For instance, ask students to develop prototypes or digital simulations that address real-world challenges, fostering their creativity and resilience.

Examples of Classroom activities

  • Have students participate in a Shark Tank-style competition, where they pitch their innovative tech solutions and business ideas to a panel of "investors."
  • Challenge students to design and prototype a mobile app that solves a specific problem in their community.
  • Organise an entrepreneurship fair where students create and market their own AI-based products or services.
  • Encourage students to develop a business plan for a startup that leverages AI technology to solve a pressing societal or environmental issue.

Encourage AI Exploration:

Inspire students to explore AI by engaging them in hands-on activities. Introduce them to the basics of AI, its applications, and its potential impact on various industries. Embrace AI tools and platforms that can enhance teaching and learning experiences. For example, guide students to create simple AI models using coding and programming languages. Encourage them to experiment, tinker, and iterate, fostering a growth mindset and developing their computational thinking skills.

Examples of Classroom activities

  • Have students design and train their own chatbot using AI platforms like Dialogflow or IBM Watson, allowing them to experience the process of creating intelligent conversational agents.
  • Guide students to design and train their own chatbot using AI platforms like Dialogflow or IBM Watson, allowing them to experience the process of creating intelligent conversational agents.
  • Introduce students to coding and programming languages used in AI, such as Python or Scratch, and encourage them to create simple AI models like image classifiers or text generators.
  • Engage students in AI competitions and challenges, such as Kaggle competitions or programming contests focused on developing AI algorithms.
  • Encourage students to research and present case studies that highlight instances of AI applications in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, or agriculture.

Explore Ethical Considerations in AI and Digital Technologies

Teach students about the ethical implications of AI. Discuss topics such as bias, privacy, and algorithmic decision-making. Encourage them to think critically about the responsible use of AI and its potential consequences. Engage them in conversations about the ethical dilemmas that arise with AI applications in fields like healthcare, finance, or social media.

Examples of Classroom activities

  • Organise debates or role-playing activities where students analyse ethical scenarios related to AI, fostering their ethical reasoning and awareness.
  • Facilitate discussions on the impact of AI on privacy, data security, and algorithmic bias, and encourage students to explore strategies for addressing these issues.
  • Assign research projects where students investigate ethical guidelines and policies related to AI in specific industries, such as healthcare, finance, or social media.
  • Invite guest speakers from AI ethics organisations or research institutions to share their insights and engage in discussions with students


Embrace the AI-powered future, and witness your students thrive in the digital age!


The FutureSkills4U Digital Skills Program has just released a EC Educator Professional Development Powerlist. 

 By exploring the Education Content Playlist for Educators from EC by Go1, you'll have access to a wide range of resources to enrich your knowledge, refine your teaching techniques, and inspire your students. Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices in education to create meaningful and impactful learning experiences.

There are 100 curated courses just for educators.

This program is free in 2023 for Queenslanders in Rural and Regional Queensland